Duplicating rows or values in a DataFrame

PySpark @ Freshers.in

Data repetition in PySpark involves duplicating rows or values in a DataFrame to meet specific data analysis requirements. This process can be crucial for creating synthetic datasets, testing, or even balancing datasets in machine learning scenarios. In PySpark, to repeat data, we generally use functions like explode. The repeat function is not directly available in PySpark for repeating column values or rows. However, you can achieve repetition by creating an array column and then using the explode function to transform each element of the array column into a separate row.

Why use data repetition?

  1. Data Augmentation: Enhancing the size of datasets for machine learning models.
  2. Testing and Debugging: Creating extensive datasets to test the scalability and performance of algorithms.
  3. Balancing Datasets: In scenarios where certain classes of data are underrepresented, repetition can help balance the dataset.

Implementing data repetition in PySpark

PySpark provides several methods to repeat data, either by duplicating entire rows or by repeating values within columns. Here, we focus on two primary techniques: repeat and explode.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import explode, array, lit
# Initialize Spark Session
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("DataRepetitionExample").getOrCreate()
# Sample Data
data = [("Sachin",), ("Manju",), ("Ram",), ("Raju",), ("David",), ("Wilson",)]
columns = ["Name"]
# Creating DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)
# Number of times to repeat each row
repeat_count = 3
# Creating an Array Column with repeated names
df_repeated = df.withColumn("RepeatedNames", explode(array([col("Name")] * repeat_count)))
# Show Results


|  Name|RepeatedNames|
|Sachin|       Sachin|
|Sachin|       Sachin|
|Sachin|       Sachin|
| Manju|        Manju|
| Manju|        Manju|
| Manju|        Manju|
|   Ram|          Ram|
|   Ram|          Ram|
|   Ram|          Ram|
|  Raju|         Raju|
|  Raju|         Raju|
|  Raju|         Raju|
| David|        David|
| David|        David|
| David|        David|
|Wilson|       Wilson|
|Wilson|       Wilson|
|Wilson|       Wilson|

Technique 2: Using the explode function

The explode function is used to transform each element of an array column into a separate row, effectively replicating rows.


from pyspark.sql.functions import explode, array
# Creating an array column for repetition
df_explode = df.withColumn("NamesArray", array([col("Name")] * 3))
# Exploding the array to repeat rows
df_exploded = df_explode.withColumn("RepeatedName", explode(col("NamesArray"))).select("RepeatedName")
# Show Results

Spark important urls to refer

  1. Spark Examples
  2. PySpark Blogs
  3. Bigdata Blogs
  4. Spark Interview Questions
  5. Official Page
Author: user