Python’s classmethod(): A comprehensive guide to class-bound methods

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The classmethod() decorator emerges as a distinct, indispensable mechanism for defining methods that belong to the class rather than its instances. In Python, a class method is a method that’s bound to the class and not the instance. It can’t modify object state or instance-specific data. However, it can modify class state that applies across all instances of the class. The classmethod() function is a decorator that transforms a regular method into a class method.


class Coffee:
    _total_cups = 0

    def __init__(self, type):
        self.type = type
        Coffee._total_cups += 1

    def total_cups_served(cls):
        return cls._total_cups

# Buying some coffee
latte = Coffee("latte")
espresso = Coffee("espresso")

# Check total cups served
print(Coffee.total_cups_served())  # Output: 2

In this example, every time a coffee is “bought,” the _total_cups class variable increments. The class method total_cups_served provides a way to check the total coffees served without needing an instance to call it.

Importance of classmethod():

  1. Class-level Operations: classmethod() allows for the creation of methods that operate at the class level, modifying class-level attributes or working with class-based logic.
  2. Factory Methods: It can be used to create factory methods which instantiate objects in diverse ways.
  3. Enhanced Object-Oriented Design: By promoting the encapsulation of class-level operations, it fosters a clear separation of concerns in code.


  1. Flexibility: Class methods can be called on the class itself, or on any instance, offering flexibility in how they’re used.
  2. Code Organization: They aid in better code organization by ensuring class-specific operations are encapsulated within the class.
  3. Alternative Constructors: They are instrumental in providing alternative ways to create class instances.

Use cases:

  1. Alternative Constructors: For classes that might benefit from multiple ways of instantiation.
  2. Singleton Patterns: When ensuring a single instance of a class or managing shared resource access.
  3. Subclass Customization: When subclasses need to have class methods with behavior distinct from the parent class.

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Author: user