Python Error : “_csv.Error: field larger than field limit ” – Resolved

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The error message indicates that while reading the CSV file, the program encountered a field that was larger than the default field size limit, which is 131072 characters. This is a safety mechanism in Python’s csv module to prevent consuming excessive memory when reading malicious or malformed CSV files.

You can remedy this situation by increasing the field size limit using the csv.field_size_limit function before reading the file.

Here’s how you can modify your code:

import csv
import sys

# Increase the field size limit

with open('filename.csv', 'r') as file:
    reader = csv.reader(file)
    # Iterate over each row in the CSV
    for row in reader:

sys.maxsize is the maximum size a variable can take on your system, which is typically an extremely large number. By setting the field_size_limit to this value, you’re effectively removing the limit. However, do this with caution, especially when processing untrusted CSV files, as you can run into memory issues if a CSV field is excessively large.

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Author: user