Monitor server Docker container resource utilization using python

python @

Creating a Python script to monitor resource utilization of Docker containers involves using Docker’s APIs and Python libraries to interact with them. This article provides a detailed guide on how to achieve this, along with Python code examples.

1. Introduction

Monitoring resource utilization in Docker containers is essential for maintaining the health and performance of applications. Python, with its powerful libraries and Docker’s API, makes this task straightforward.

2. Prerequisites

  • Docker installed on your server.
  • Python installed on your system (Python 3.x is recommended).
  • Basic knowledge of Python programming and Docker.

3. Python Libraries

  • docker: Python library to interact with the Docker Engine API.
  • time: To handle time-related tasks.

4. Installing the Docker Python Library

First, install the Docker library using pip:

pip install docker

5. Writing the Script

5.1 Importing Libraries

import docker
import time

5.2 Initializing Docker Client

client = docker.from_env()

5.3 Defining the Resource Monitoring Function

def monitor_container_resources(container_name, interval=5):
        container = client.containers.get(container_name)
    except docker.errors.NotFound:
        print(f"Container {container_name} not found.")

    print(f"Monitoring resources for container: {container_name}")
    while True:
        stats = container.stats(stream=False)
        cpu_usage = stats['cpu_stats']['cpu_usage']['total_usage']
        mem_usage = stats['memory_stats']['usage']
        net_io = stats['networks']['eth0']['rx_bytes']

        print(f"CPU Usage: {cpu_usage}")
        print(f"Memory Usage: {mem_usage} bytes")
        print(f"Network IO: {net_io} bytes")

5.4 Main Function

def main():
    container_name = input("Enter the container name to monitor: ")

if __name__ == "__main__":

The script will display the CPU usage, memory usage, and network I/O for the specified Docker container at regular intervals.

Author: user