Tag: snowflake_interview


How to Copy Data from Redshift to Snowflake

Copying data from one database management system to another, specifically from Amazon Redshift to Snowflake, can be done by several…

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Snowflake : Converting timestamps from one timezone to another[CONVERT_TIMEZONE]

CONVERT_TIMEZONE The Snowflake data platform’s CONVERT_TIMEZONE function is a convenient tool for converting timestamps from one timezone to another. This…

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Snowflake : Converting an array into a string in Snowflake [ARRAY_TO_STRING]

Comprehensive Guide to Snowflake’s ARRAY_TO_STRING Function The ARRAY_TO_STRING function in Snowflake is a utility function designed to convert an array…

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Snowflake : Selecting a subset of elements from an array[ARRAY_SLICE]

A Detailed Overview of the ARRAY_SLICE Function in Snowflake The ARRAY_SLICE function is a versatile tool in Snowflake’s array function…

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