Tag: python_interview

Getting information about the data type of elements in a NumPy array : NumPy’s np.ndarray.dtype

In NumPy, np.ndarray.dtype is an attribute that provides information about the data type of elements in a NumPy array. It…

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How to get the information about the dimensionality of a NumPy array- Python : np.ndarray.ndim

In NumPy, np.ndarray.ndim is an attribute that provides information about the dimensionality of a NumPy array. It returns an integer…

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Understanding the shape of NumPy Arrays: np.ndarray.shape Demystified

In NumPy, np.ndarray.shape is an attribute that provides information about the shape or dimensions of a NumPy array. It returns…

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Dividing an array into multiple smaller arrays along a specified axis using NumPy’s np.split

np.split is one such function that allows you to divide an array into multiple smaller arrays along a specified axis….

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Removing dimensions with size 1 from arrays using Python NumPy’s np.squeeze

np.squeeze is a versatile function that allows you to remove dimensions with size 1 from arrays, resulting in a cleaner…

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Rearranging of array dimensions using Python NumPy’s np.transpose

One essential array manipulation function is np.transpose, which allows for the rearrangement of array dimensions to better suit specific data…

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Generating arrays with logarithmically spaced values : Python NumPy’s np.logspace

The functions in NumPy that’s particularly useful for generating arrays with logarithmically spaced values is np.logspace. What is np.logspace? np.logspace…

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