Tag: python_interview

python @ Freshers.in

How to return True if at least one element of an iterable is true using Python : any()

Python’s any() function is designed to return True if at least one element of an iterable is true. Otherwise, it…

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python @ Freshers.in

How to retrieve the next item from an asynchronous iterator using Python : anext()

The anext() function is used to retrieve the next item from an asynchronous iterator. If a default value is provided…

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python @ Freshers.in

How can you returns True if all elements of the iterable are true using Python : all()

Python’s all() is a built-in function that returns True if all elements of the iterable are true (or if the…

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python @ Freshers.in

Create an asynchronous iterator using Python : aiter()

Python’s aiter() function, introduced in version 3.10, is an asynchronous iterator. It’s used to create an async iterable object from…

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python @ Freshers.in

Python is a built-in method used for calculating the absolute value of a given number. abs()

The abs() function in Python is a built-in method used for calculating the absolute value of a given number. The…

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Python Pandas @ Freshers.in

Guide to handling DataFrame headers in Python : Adding header row to dataframe

In pandas, DataFrame headers are essentially the column names. These are not usually added to the DataFrame directly as you…

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python @ Freshers.in

Effortlessly Merge Python Lists into Strings

Converting a list of strings into a single string is a common task in Python programming. It’s a fundamental skill…

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Finding the maximum value within a NumPy array : Python NumPy np.max

In NumPy, np.max is a function used to find the maximum value within a NumPy array. It allows you to…

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How to change the data type of elements in a NumPy array – Python NumPy, np.ndarray.astype

In NumPy, np.ndarray.astype is a method used for changing the data type of elements in a NumPy array. It allows…

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