Tag: python_interview

python @ Freshers.in

Python’s Global Interpreter Lock (GIL): Its Impact and Workarounds

The Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) is a critical aspect of Python’s design that influences the concurrent execution of threads within…

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python @ Freshers.in

Python Generators – Efficient Iteration

Generators are a powerful feature in Python that facilitates efficient iteration and lazy evaluation. They provide a memory-friendly way to…

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python @ Freshers.in

Singleton Patterns in Python – Crafting Robust and Efficient Singleton Instances

The Singleton pattern is a design pattern that ensures a class has only one instance and provides a global point…

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python @ Freshers.in

Python’s str and repr: Differences for Clear Object Representations

In Python, the __str__ and __repr__ methods play a crucial role in determining how an object is represented when converted…

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python @ Freshers.in

Supercharge Your Python Scripts-Boosting Performance and Efficiency

In this article, we’ll delve into various strategies to enhance the performance of your Python scripts, covering optimization techniques, best…

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python @ Freshers.in

Python Lambda Functions

Lambda functions, also known as anonymous functions, are a concise and powerful feature in Python that allows you to create…

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python @ Freshers.in

Dictionary Merging in Python: Techniques and Examples for Seamless Integration

Manipulating dictionaries is a common task in Python programming, and at times, you may need to merge two dictionaries to…

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python @ Freshers.in

Python Memory Management – Memory Allocation and Optimization

Python’s memory management is automatic, but it’s essential for developers to grasp the underlying mechanisms to optimize their programs effectively….

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python @ Freshers.in

Python Decorators – Boosting Code Elegance

Python decorators are a powerful and elegant feature that allows developers to modify or extend the behavior of functions or…

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python @ Freshers.in

Exception Handling in Python

Exception handling is a crucial aspect of writing reliable and maintainable Python code. It allows developers to gracefully manage unexpected…

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