General Knowledge – Basic – 076

11281 : The scientific name of Cockroch is?
Ans : Periplaneta americana

11282 : Who is the author of Heat and Dust ?
Ans : Ruth P Jhabwala

11283 : Who is the inventor of Periodic Law?
Ans : Mendeleev

11284 : Which is a recently extinct bird from Mauritious?
Ans : Dodo

11285 : Who is the author of “Song of Solomon”?
Ans : Toni Morrison

11286 : Who is the author of Oh; Calcutta ?
Ans : Kenneth Tynan

11287 : Who is the author of Zulfi my Friend?
Ans : Piloo Mody

11288 : Who is the author of “Ponni “?
Ans : Malayattoor Ramakrishnan

11289 : Name the first European country to encourage geographical discoveries?
Ans : Portugal (Prince Henry; the Navigator of Portugal encouraged sailors by making maps)

11290 : The writing of the Persians was Cunieform adopted from the ?
Ans : Mesopotamians

11291 : Who is the author of “Sense and Sensibility”?
Ans : Jane Austen

11292 : The first computer animated news reader ?
Ans : ANANOVA(Russia)

11293 : Which organ of the body is affected by Trachoma ?
Ans : Eyes

11294 : Who is the author of “Persuasion”?
Ans : Jane Austen

11295 : Father of Microbiology?
Ans : Louis Pasteur

Author: Freshers