9496 : Hottest Place (World)?
Ans : Azizia (Libya) 58OC
9497 : Loneliest Island?
Ans : Tristan De Gumha (Mid. Atlantic)
9498 : What is total number of members of Kerala Legislative Assembly?
Ans : 141 (including the one from Anglo- Indian community nominated by the Governor)
9499 : Kundara Ceramic Factory was started during the period of?
Ans : Sri Chitra Thirunal.
9500 : In Seven Years War(1756-1763) French were defeated by ?
Ans : The English
9501 : Khartoun is on the bank of which River?
Ans : Confluence of Blue &White; Nile
9502 : Who is the author of “Othello”?
Ans : William Shakespeare
9503 : The Capital of Saudi Arabia?
Ans : Riyadh
9504 : Who is the author of Principia ?
Ans : Isaac Newton
9505 : Who is the author of Portrait of a Lady?
Ans : Henry James
9506 : Where do you find the most popular tourist destination Paradise Beach?
Ans : Pondicherry
9507 : Which vitamin is considered both as a vitamin and hormone?
Ans : Vitamin E
9508 : The chief architect of the Acadian empire was?
Ans : Sargon
9509 : What was the real name of Chatampi Swamikal?
Ans : Kunjan Pillai.
9510 : Who is the author of “Old Curiosity Shop”?
Ans : Charles Dickens