General Knowledge – Basic – 046

6901 : The war in South Africa between the British and the Boers is known as ?
Ans : Boer War (1899 -1902)

6902 : Who constructed the worshipping centre of Jews in Jerusalem?
Ans : King Solomon in BC 1000

6903 : Battle of Water Loo (1815) British force led by Duke of Wellington defeated French force led by ?
Ans : Napolean Bonaparte

6904 : Who is the author of Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ?
Ans : Edward Gibbon

6905 : Party which became prominent in Britain after the Second World War?
Ans : Labour Party

6906 : Which was the first political novel?
Ans : Parappuram by Kurukkal

6907 : Who is the author of “Trinity”?
Ans : Leon Uris

6908 : In India rolling plan was implemented by?
Ans : Janata Party Government

6909 : Cerebellum is known as ?
Ans : Little brain

6910 : The Capital of Brunei?
Ans : Bander Seri begawan

6911 : Who was the wife of Socrates?
Ans : Zantippee

6912 : Who is the author of Naganandan King ?
Ans : Harsha Vardhan

6913 : Who is the author of “St Joan”?
Ans : George Bernard Shaw

6914 : Who is the creator of the famous character “Oedipus”
Ans : Sophocles

6915 : Who is the author of “Lipika”?
Ans : Rabindranath Tagore

Author: Freshers