6046 : Nagjee Trophy is associated with?
Ans : Football
6047 : The Magna Carta was signed by ?
Ans : King John of England in AD 1215 at; Runnymede.
6048 : The Capital of Austria?
Ans : Vienna
6049 : Who is the author of Vedic Stories?
Ans : Mira Nair
6050 : The science dealing with the study of the heart and its diseases is known as?
Ans : Cardiology.
6051 : Who is the author of “Bliss was it in that Dawn”?
Ans : Minoo Masani
6052 : The Treaty of Versailles was signed between the Allies and Germany on?
Ans : 28th June 1919
6053 : The first book in Malayalam ‘Samkshepa Vedartham’ was written by?
Ans : Clement Piyanus Pathiri
6054 : Who is the author of ” Verukal”?
Ans : Malayattoor Ramakrishnan
6055 : The Tianen Square in Beijing is described as ?
Ans : ‘Naval of China’ (means ‘the gate of heavenly peace’)
6056 : The chief excretory organs of human body is ?
Ans : The kidneys
6057 : The Road to Serfdom was written by ?
Ans : F.A. Hayek
6058 : Where was the first Jewish Church established in Kerala?
Ans : Kodungalloor
6059 : Who is the author of “Agni Pariksha”?
Ans : Acharya Tulsi
6060 : Who is the author of “Yogi and the Bear”?
Ans : S.Nihal Singh