2266 : Who is the author of The Tempest;?
Ans : William Shakespeare
2267 : Who is the author of “Economic Planning of India Elimination of Child Labour”?
Ans : Ashok Mehta
2268 : Who is the author of “Deadly Embrace – Pakistan; America and The Future of the Global Jihad”?
Ans : Bruce Riedel
2269 : Greatest Ship (World)?
Ans : Queen Elizabeth 2; 83; 000 tons
2270 : To American President Watergate incident (1972) is related?
Ans : Richard Nixon
2271 : The Capital of Croatia?
Ans : Zagrab
2272 : Hankow is on the bank of which River?
Ans : Yangtse-Kiang
2273 : Who is the author of “Sultry Days”?
Ans : Shobha De
2274 : Who is the author of “Lady Chatterley’s Lover”?
Ans : D.H. Lawrence
2275 : Name the American President who chose the site for White House?
Ans : Herbert Hover
2276 : Who is the inventor of Salk Vaccine (Anti Polio)?
Ans : Dr.Jonas E.Salk
2277 : Robert Walpole became the Prime Minister of England in?
Ans : 1721
2278 : The name ‘Anchal’ was given to the early postal system of Kerala by?
Ans : Col. Munro
2279 : Araucaria embricate a gymnosperm plant is commonly known as ?
Ans : ‘Monkey’s Puzzle’
2280 : Who is the author of ” Marthanda Varma “?
Ans : CV Raman Pillai