1306 : Plague is spread by ?
Ans : Rat fleas
1307 : Who is the author of Northanger Abbey ?
Ans : Jane Austen
1308 : Who sad that”Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains”?
Ans : Rousseau
1309 : The weight of liver in man is about ?
Ans : 1.5kg.
1310 : Who is the author of “Glass Menagerie”?
Ans : Tennessee Williams
1311 : , Which is the first college Magazine in the state?
Ans : Vidyasamgraham {a publication of CMS College started in 1864 }
1312 : Who is the author of “Rangbhoomi”?
Ans : Munshi Prem Chand
1313 : Alexander died at the age of 33 in 323 BC at ?
Ans : Babilonia
1314 : Who is the inventor of Blood Transfusion?
Ans : Landsteneir
1315 : “Kerala Simham’ is a historical novel written Pazhassi Raja by ?
Ans : Sardar K.M. Panicker
Who is the author of French Mystic””?
Ans : Romain Rolland”
1316 : National Blood Donation Day is on ?
Ans : October I
1317 : Who founded Kerala Kaumudi in 1911?
Ans : C V Kunhiraman with K Sukumaran
1318 : Brazil got independence from in 1822 from?
Ans : Spain
1319 : Longest Railway (Asia)?
Ans : India
1320 : Siegfried Line separates?
Ans : Germany and France.