General Knowledge – Basic – 002

166 : During Revolution period; the French Parliament was known as ?
Ans : ‘Estates General’

167 : Highest Volcano (World)?
Ans : Cotopoxi (Andes; Eucador)

168 : Who is the author of “Heat and Dust”?
Ans : Ruth P. Jhabwala

169 : Who is the inventor of Cosmic Rays?
Ans : R.A.Millikan

170 : Who is the inventor of Automobile (Self Starter)?
Ans : Kettering

171 : Largest Dome (World)?
Ans : ‘Astrodome’ in Housten; Texas (USA) outside diameter 216 metres and inside 196 metres.

172 : Father of Genetherapy?
Ans : Anderson

173 : ……deals with the larger aspects of a nation’s economy; such as the sectors of agriculture; industry and service?
Ans : Macro economics

174 : Who is the author of I Too Had a Dream?
Ans : Varghese Kurian

175 : Who is the author of “In Memmorium”?
Ans : Alfred Tennyson

176 : Who is the author of Glass Menagerie?
Ans : Tennessee Williams

177 : Who is the author of “Le Contrat Social”?
Ans : Rousseau

178 : Who is the author of “Rape of Bangladesh”?
Ans : Anthony Mascrenhas

179 : Bryology is the study of ?
Ans : Mosses; liverworts; and hornworts

180 : The study of viruses is known as ?

Ans : Virology

Author: Freshers