Biology basic Q and A (05)

631 : Who is the inventor of Umbrella?
Ans : Samuel Fox

632 : Vitamin A; D; E;K are fat soluble whereas vitamin B complex and C are ?
Ans : Water soluble.

633 : Who is the inventor of Safety Lamp?
Ans : Humphrey Davy

634 : The first film which uses the morphing ?
Ans : WllLOW

635 : The first microprocessor was developed by Intel in?
Ans : 1971

636 : Rabies; caused by a virus; affects which part of human body?
Ans : The nerve cells of the brain.

637 : BEG test is used to diagnose?
Ans : Brain Diseases

638 : The scientific name of Cow is?
Ans : Bos indica

639 : Crescograph was invented by ?
Ans : Jagadish Chandra Bose

640 : Who invented camera phone?
Ans : Philipcan

641 : The scientific name of Whale is?
Ans : Balaenoptera indica

642 : Who is the inventor of T.N.T. (high explosive)?
Ans : Will Brand

643 : The first IT Park in the Private Sector in Kera1a is ?
Ans : The Muthoot Technopolis.

644 : Guttation occurs in well watered herbaceous plants of well drained soils during .?
Ans : Morning

645 : Who is the inventor of Atomic Physics?
Ans : Ernest Rutherford

Author: Freshers