Biology basic Q and A (02)

196 : Epilepsy is a disease of the?
Ans : Nervous system

197 : The percentage of light energy fixed in photosynthesis is generally around ?
Ans : 1%

198 : MPEG stands for?
Ans : Motion Picture Expert Group

199 : Number of chromosomes in a human cell is ?
Ans : 23 pairs (46 number)

200 : Who is the inventor of Railway Engine?
Ans : Stephenson

201 : Normal pulse rate of healthy adult human is ?
Ans : 72 per minute.

202 : The hormone which helps in flowering of plants?
Ans : Florigen

203 : The plants which perch on other plants but do not take nourishment from them ?
Ans : Epiphytes

204 : Who is the inventor of Malaria Parasite?
Ans : Dr.Ronald Ross

205 : …………..planthormoneisknownas stresshormone?
Ans : Abscisic acid

206 : Fats are richly found in ?
Ans : Adipose tissue

207 : Measles vaccine was discovered by ?
Ans : John F. Enders (1960)

208 : Who is the inventor of Motor Car?
Ans : Austin

209 : Name the digestive enzyme that converts Maltose to glucose is ?
Ans : Maltase

210 : The term Bacteria was coined by ?
Ans : Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg in 1838.

Author: Freshers