Examples of auto-increment addressing in assembly language

Example with Arrays:

Consider an array of integers stored in memory. We can use auto-increment addressing to access and process each element of the array sequentially. Assume the array starts at memory address 100:

MOV R1, #100       ; Load base address of the array into register R1
MOV R2, #0         ; Initialize a counter in R2 to access elements sequentially
  LOAD R3, [R1]+   ; Load the value at the memory address pointed by R1 and increment R1
  ; Here, you can perform operations with the value in R3 (e.g., add, subtract, etc.)
  ; Example: Print the value in R3 (assuming an output routine to display R3 value)
  OUT R3
  INC R2           ; Increment the counter to move to the next element
  CMP R2, #10      ; Compare the counter with the number of elements in the array (10 in this case)
  JNZ LOOP         ; Jump back to the LOOP if the counter is not equal to 10 (i.e., not all elements processed)

In this example, we use the [R1]+ auto-increment addressing mode to access each element of the array one by one.

Example with Linked Lists:

Consider a singly linked list, where each node has a value and a pointer to the next node. We can use auto-increment addressing to traverse the linked list:

MOV R1, #500       ; Load the memory address of the head node into register R1
  LOAD R2, [R1]    ; Load the value at the memory address pointed by R1 (current node value)
  ; Here, you can perform operations with the value in R2 (e.g., print, compare, etc.)
  ; Example: Print the value in R2 (assuming an output routine to display R2 value)
  OUT R2
  LOAD R1, [R1+4]  ; Load the next node's address by reading the pointer at (R1 + 4) and increment R1
  CMP R1, #0       ; Compare R1 with 0 to check if we reached the end of the list (null pointer)
  JNZ TRAVERSE     ; Jump back to TRAVERSE if R1 is not equal to 0 (i.e., list traversal is not completed)

We use the [R1]+4 auto-increment addressing mode to move from one node to the next in the linked list.

Author: user

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