Computer Organization : Addressing Modes in Machine Level Representation of Higher Level Language Constructs

Addressing modes in computer organization refer to the different ways in which memory addresses are calculated and used to access data or operands during program execution. Higher-level language constructs, such as arrays, pointers, constants, and variables, need to be represented in machine-level instructions to be executed by the processor. Let’s look at each of these constructs and the addressing modes that can be used to represent them:


Arrays are contiguous blocks of data elements of the same type. In machine-level code, arrays can be accessed using two primary addressing modes: indexed addressing and base+offset addressing.

a) Indexed Addressing:

In indexed addressing, an array element’s memory address is calculated by adding an index (an offset) to a base address. The index represents the position of the desired element within the array.

Example: Consider an integer array arr in C/C++:

int arr[5] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};

The machine-level instruction to access arr[2] using indexed addressing might look like:

MOV R1, #2      ; Load the index 2 into register R1
MOV R2, #1000   ; Load the base address of the array into register R2 (e.g., 1000)
ADD R2, R2, R1  ; Calculate the address: base + offset
LD R3, (R2)     ; Load the value of arr[2] into register R3

b) Base+offset Addressing:

In base+offset addressing, the memory address is calculated by adding an offset to a base register’s value, where the base register holds the starting address of the array.

Example: Continuing with the same arr in C/C++:

int arr[5] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};

The machine-level instruction to access arr[2] using base+offset addressing might look like:

MOV R2, #1000   ; Load the base address of the array into register R2 (e.g., 1000)
ADD R2, R2, #8  ; Calculate the address: base + (element size * offset), assuming integer size is 4 bytes
LD R3, (R2)     ; Load the value of arr[2] into register R3


Pointers are variables that store memory addresses. They can point to other variables, arrays, or dynamically allocated memory.

a) Register Indirect Addressing:

In register indirect addressing, a pointer variable’s value (the memory address) is stored in a register, and that register is used to access the data pointed to by the pointer.

Example: Consider the following C/C++ code with a pointer variable ptr:

int *ptr;
int num = 100;
ptr = #

The machine-level instruction to access the value pointed to by ptr using register indirect addressing might look like:

MOV R1, #ptr    ; Load the memory address of pointer variable `ptr` into register R1
LD R2, (R1)     ; Load the value pointed to by `ptr` into register R2


Constants are fixed values that are hardcoded in the source code. They can be numeric constants, character constants, or string literals.

Immediate Addressing:

In immediate addressing, the constant value itself is directly included in the instruction, rather than referring to a memory location.

Consider the following C/C++ code with a constant x:

int x = 42;

The machine-level instruction to load the constant 42 into a register using immediate addressing might look like:

MOV R1, #42     ; Load the value 42 directly into register R1


Variables are named memory locations that store data values during program execution.

Direct Addressing:

In direct addressing, the memory address of the variable is directly specified in the instruction.

Consider the following C/C++ code with a variable count:

int count = 0;

The machine-level instruction to load the value of count into a register using direct addressing might look like:

LD R1, (1000)   ; Load the value of `count` from memory address 1000 into register R1
These addressing modes are fundamental concepts in computer organization and are used to represent various higher-level language constructs in machine-level code.
Author: user

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