Category: ruby

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Image Rotation in Ruby: Rotate NxN Matrix by 90 Degrees

Rotating an image or matrix is a common operation in image processing and computer graphics. In Ruby, mastering the technique…

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Ruby @

Sudoku Validation in Ruby

Sudoku validation is a crucial task in game development and puzzle-solving applications, ensuring that a given Sudoku board adheres to…

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Ruby @

Sudoku Validation with Ruby: Ensuring Board Integrity

Sudoku, the popular puzzle game known for its grid of numbers, presents a fascinating challenge not only for players but…

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Ruby @

Roman Numerals in Ruby: Converting Roman Numerals to Integers

In this comprehensive guide, we explore the fascinating world of Roman numerals and how to translate them into integers using…

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Ruby @

Solving the Two Sum Problem in Ruby: Finding Pairs of Numbers that Add Up to a Target

The Two Sum problem is a classic coding challenge where you’re given an array of integers and a target number….

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Ruby @

Longest Common Prefix in Ruby

Finding the longest common prefix among a set of strings is a common task in string manipulation and text processing….

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Ruby @

Uniqueness Matters: Detecting Duplicate Characters in Ruby with Space-Efficiency

Detecting unique characters in a string is a common programming task, often used in applications like data validation and duplicate…

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Ruby @

Matrix Transposition Made Easy in Ruby

Matrix transposition is a fundamental operation in linear algebra and computer science. It involves swapping rows with columns in a…

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Ruby @

Palindrome Permutation Mystery in Ruby: Detecting Whether a String Can Be Rearranged into a Palindrome

Palindromes, those enigmatic sequences that read the same forwards and backwards, have fascinated mathematicians and linguists for centuries. In this…

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Ruby @

Permutations in Ruby Programming: Generating All Possible Combinations in Ruby

Permutations are a fundamental concept in mathematics and computer science. They represent all possible arrangements of elements in a set….

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