Category: linux

Linux admin @

Expanding network functionality: Adding secondary IP addresses with nmcli in Linux

Configuring secondary IP addresses using nmcli (NetworkManager Command-Line Interface) is a common task in Linux when you want a single…

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Changing the Varnish port in Ubuntu: A step-by-step guide for improved web service management

Changing the Varnish port in Ubuntu is a common task when you want to run multiple web applications or services…

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Linux admin @

Configuring IPv6 on OVH AlmaLinux 8: A step-by-step guide

Configuring IPv6 on an OVH AlmaLinux 8 server is an essential task for ensuring your server can communicate over the…

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Setting up Minikube using docker driver on ubuntu

Minikube is a tool that lets you run Kubernetes clusters locally, which can be especially useful for learning and development…

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What is PPA in Ubuntu

PPA (Personal Package Archives) PPAs are software repositories that are created specifically for Ubuntu users and are simpler to install…

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In AWS EC2 how to know your ubuntu version using the command line commands

lsb_release lsb stands for Linux Standard Base. Certain LSB (Linux Standard Base) and Distribution information is printed by lsb_release command….

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