Category: hive
Bigdata – Hive
Hive : Analyzing Data with Hive CUBE: A Comprehensive Guide
In this article, we will focus on creating a table and utilize the CUBE operator in Hive. This is an…
Hive : A Deep Dive into ‘AUTOCOMMIT’ in Apache Hive
Hive provides many functionalities to ensure efficient and seamless data management, with ‘AUTOCOMMIT’ being one such feature that plays an…
Hive : Demystifying ‘ISOLATION’ Levels in Apache Hive
What is ISOLATION in Hive? In the context of databases, ‘ISOLATION’ is a property that defines how/when the changes made…
Hive : Understanding and Utilizing the ‘OFFSET’ Function in Apache Hive
Hive offers several powerful functions to users, enabling them to extract, manipulate, and analyze data stored in Hadoop clusters more…
Hive : Understanding Hive SNAPSHOT – Its Use, Benefits, and Conversions
One of its highly valuable features is the “SNAPSHOT” capability. In this article, we will dive deep into Hive’s “SNAPSHOT”…
Hive : UTCTIMESTAMP timestamps in a universal format for Hive
As data analytics continues to evolve and become more global, handling timezones correctly has become an essential aspect. In Hive,…
Hive : How to update the access time of a file or directory in the Hive data warehouse [Touch]
Among the many functions Hive provides, one essential operation is “TOUCH.” In this article, we will explore the purpose of…
Hive : Understanding Array Aggregation in Apache Hive
Apache Hive offers many inbuilt functions to process data, among which collect_list() and collect_set() are commonly used to perform array aggregation….
Hive : Creating and Utilizing 64-bit Hash Values in Apache Hive
Apache Hive provides several inbuilt functions to process the data. One of these is the hash() function, which calculates a…
Hive : How can we return the average of non-NULL records in Hive ?
The function you’re need to refer in Apache Hive is the avg() function. It is an aggregate function that returns…