Category: hive

Bigdata – Hive

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Deep Dive into Static Partitioning in Hive

Static partitioning is a technique in Hive that allows you to manually define and manage partitions in a table. Unlike…

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Explore the power of dynamic partitioning in Hive

Dynamic partitioning is a feature in Hive that allows you to organize data within tables based on one or more…

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Advantages of using external tables in Hive

In the world of big data and data analytics, Apache Hive plays a pivotal role by providing a SQL-like interface…

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Hive Transactional Table vs. Non-Transactional Table

Before we explore the differences between transactional and non-transactional tables, let’s grasp the basic concepts of Hive tables. Hive Table…

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HiveServer1 vs. HiveServer2: A Comprehensive Comparison

Before diving into the comparison, let’s briefly understand what Hive servers are and their role in the Hive ecosystem. HiveServer1…

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Hive Script vs. Hive Query: Unraveling the Differences

This article aims to shed light on this topic, offering clarity and real-world examples to illustrate the contrasts. Understanding Hive…

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Hive : Understanding and utilizing TIMESTAMPTZ in Hive 3.0.0

Apache Hive 3.0.0 introduced several new features, including the TIMESTAMPTZ data type, which stores a timestamp with the time zone….

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