Category: good_to_read

Google @

Safeguarding Your Google Account: Essential Tips for Active Use

Under Google’s updated policy, an account and its associated contents, including those in Google Workspace (like Gmail, Docs, Drive, Meet,…

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good to read

Unstructured vs Semi-Structured vs Structured data in the digital age

In the era where data is coined as the new oil, understanding its various forms is critical for anyone looking…

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good to read

How to retrieve folder sizes using Windows PowerShell

As system administrators or power users, we often need to keep an eye on the sizes of directories within our…

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good to read

Strategies and tips for managing bad or missing data

Here we are explaining for two scenario  : Machine Learning and ETL Machine Learning Data is the linchpin of modern…

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Software Architect @

Documents required for Technical Software Architects

Software architects use a variety of documents to design, plan, and communicate the architecture of a software system. Some common…

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Google sheet

Google Sheet Quick Reference Guide and Keyboard Shortcuts

Google Sheet Quick Reference Guide and Keyboard Shortcuts Create a Spreadsheet from Google Drive: In Google Drive, click the New…

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