Category: aws glue

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AWS Glue : Handling Errors and Retries in AWS Glue

AWS Glue is a fully managed ETL service that simplifies and automates data processing tasks. While AWS Glue is designed…

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AWS Glue : What are the benefits of using AWS Glue with Amazon S3?

When used in combination with Amazon S3, AWS Glue offers several benefits, including: Scalability: AWS Glue can handle datasets ranging…

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AWS Glue @

Explain the purpose of the AWS Glue data catalog.

The AWS Glue data catalog is a central repository for storing metadata about data sources, transformations, and targets used in…

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AWS Glue @

What are the Python libraries provided by AWS Glue Version 2.0

The defaults Python libraries available in AWS Glue version 2.0 are as below boto3==1.12.4 botocore==1.15.4 certifi==2019.11.28 chardet==3.0.4 cycler==0.10.0 Cython==0.29.15 docutils==0.15.2…

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