Category: projects

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BOW, TF-IDF and XGBoost Update for Sentiment Analysis using Machine Learning

Sentiment analysis is a critical component of natural language processing, with numerous applications such as social media monitoring, customer feedback…

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Bayesian Statistics using Machine Learning

Bayesian statistics is a powerful framework for statistical inference and decision-making that allows for the incorporation of prior knowledge and…

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Bayesian Logistic Regression for Bank Marketing using Machine Learning

In the banking industry, marketing campaigns are crucial for promoting new products, acquiring new customers, and increasing revenue. Predicting the…

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Autoencoder for Customer Churn Prediction using Machine Learning

Customer churn, or the loss of customers to competitors, is a major concern for businesses in various industries. Predicting and…

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Article Recording System using Machine Learning

In academic research, tracking and organizing large volumes of research articles can be a daunting task. A recording system that…

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Ad Demand Forecast using Machine Learning

Advertising is a critical component of any business strategy, with companies investing heavily in various ad formats to reach their…

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Predicting California Housing Prices using Machine Learning

The California housing market is one of the most expensive and dynamic in the world, with prices varying widely based…

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Text Summarization using Word Frequency Machine Learning

Text summarization is the process of condensing a large text document into a shorter summary while retaining the essential information….

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SMS Spam Detection Analysis using Machine Learning

With the increasing usage of mobile phones and text messaging, SMS spam has become a major concern for mobile phone…

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Clustering-based Analysis of Turkiye Student Evaluation Dataset

Student evaluations are an essential tool for assessing the quality of teaching and learning in educational institutions. However, analyzing the…

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