What is an AWS API Gateway ? Simply explained – Basics

AWS API Gateway @Freshers

A server known as an API gateway serves as a single point of access for a collection of microservices. It receives requests from clients, routes them to the proper microservice, and then sends the client the server’s reply.

Routing, authentication, and rate restriction are just a few of the duties that the API gateway taken care of . This enhances the overall performance and scalability of the system while allowing microservices to concentrate on their specific jobs.

API gateways have a variety of uses in microservice architectures, including the following:

Routing: After receiving requests from clients, the API gateway directs them to the relevant microservice. Clients can now access the several microservices through a single entry point, simplifying the design of the entire system.

Authentication: The API gateway can be used to verify client identities and impose access control regulations on the microservices. As a result, unwanted access to the microservices is prevented and only authorised customers are able to access them.

Rate limiting: An API gateway enables rate limiting of client access to microservices. By doing this, malicious activity such as denial of service assaults can be avoided.

Load balancing: The API gateway can divide incoming requests across various microservice instances, allowing the system to handle more requests while enhancing its overall performance and scalability.

Caching: By caching replies from the microservices, the API gateway can reduce the volume of requests that need to be delivered to them and boost the system’s overall speed.

Monitoring: By gathering metrics and other information about requests and responses, the API gateway can gain important insights into the functionality and behaviour of the microservices. In addition to enhancing the system’s general reliability and resilience, this can assist in locating and diagnosing issues.

Author: user

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