PySpark : Feature that allows you to truncate the lineage of RDDs [Checkpointing in PySpark- Used when you have long chain of transformations]

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In this article, we will explore checkpointing in PySpark, a feature that allows you to truncate the lineage of RDDs, which can be beneficial in certain situations where you have a long chain of transformations. We will provide a detailed example using hardcoded values as input.


  • Python 3.7 or higher
  • PySpark library
  • Java 8 or higher
  • A local directory to store checkpoint files

Let’s create a PySpark RDD

from pyspark import SparkContext

sc = SparkContext("local", "Checkpoint Example")
sc.setCheckpointDir("checkpoint_directory")  # Replace with the path to your local checkpoint directory

data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
rdd = sc.parallelize(data)

Performing Transformations

Now, let’s apply several transformations to the RDD:

rdd1 = x: x * 2)
rdd2 = rdd1.filter(lambda x: x > 2)
rdd3 = x: x * 3)

Applying Checkpoint

Next, let’s apply a checkpoint to rdd2:


By calling the checkpoint method on rdd2, we request PySpark to truncate the lineage of rdd2 during the next action. This will save the state of rdd2 to the checkpoint directory, and subsequent operations on rdd2 and its derived RDDs will use the checkpointed data instead of computing the full lineage.

Executing an Action

Finally, let’s execute an action on rdd3 to trigger the checkpoint:

result = rdd3.collect()
print("Result:", result)


Result: [12, 18, 24, 30]

When executing the collect action on rdd3, PySpark will process the checkpoint for rdd2. The lineage of rdd3 will now be based on the checkpointed data instead of the full lineage from the original RDD.

Analyzing the Benefits of Checkpointing

Checkpointing can be helpful in situations where you have a long chain of transformations, leading to a large lineage graph. A large lineage graph may result in performance issues due to the overhead of tracking dependencies and can also cause stack overflow errors during recursive operations.

By applying checkpoints, you can truncate the lineage, reducing the overhead of tracking dependencies and mitigating the risk of stack overflow errors.

However, checkpointing comes at the cost of writing data to the checkpoint directory, which can be a slow operation, especially when using distributed file systems like HDFS. Therefore, it’s essential to use checkpointing judiciously and only when necessary.

In this article, we explored checkpointing in PySpark, a feature that allows you to truncate the lineage of RDDs. We provided a detailed example using hardcoded values as input, showcasing how to create an RDD, apply transformations, set up checkpointing, and execute an action that triggers the checkpoint. Checkpointing can be beneficial when dealing with long chains of transformations that may cause performance issues or stack overflow errors. However, it’s important to consider the trade-offs and use checkpointing only when necessary, as it can introduce additional overhead due to writing data to the checkpoint directory.

Spark important urls to refer

  1. Spark Examples
  2. PySpark Blogs
  3. Bigdata Blogs
  4. Spark Interview Questions
  5. Official Page
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