Snowflake : Identifying Non-Matching Timestamps and Customer IDs between Two Tables in Snowflake: An SQL Approach


SQL Method: Find Unmatched Timestamps/IDs

If you want to find the records where both the ts (timestamp) and customerid columns in tableA match those in tableB, you can use a JOIN query in Snowflake. Here’s an example SQL query to achieve this:

SELECT A.ts, A.customerid
FROM tableA AS A
JOIN tableB AS B
ON A.ts = B.ts AND A.customerid = B.customerid;

This query will join tableA and tableB on both the ts and customerid columns, and return the matching rows from tableA. If you’d like to see the matching rows from both tables, you can simply adjust the SELECT clause:

SELECT A.ts AS ts_A, A.customerid AS customerid_A, B.ts AS ts_B, B.customerid AS customerid_B
FROM tableA AS A
JOIN tableB AS B
ON A.ts = B.ts AND A.customerid = B.customerid;

This will return the ts and customerid values from both tables where they match, allowing you to see and compare the corresponding records from both tables.

If you want to find the records in tableA where both the ts (timestamp) and customerid columns do not have matching values in tableB, you can use a LEFT JOIN combined with a WHERE clause in Snowflake. Here’s the SQL query to achieve that:

SELECT A.ts, A.customerid
FROM tableA AS A
ON A.ts = B.ts AND A.customerid = B.customerid
WHERE B.ts IS NULL AND B.customerid IS NULL;

This query performs a LEFT JOIN on tableA and tableB, joining on the ts and customerid columns. The WHERE clause then filters the results to only include the rows from tableA that don’t have a matching ts and customerid in tableB.

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