Shell Route command : Control over network routing and connectivity

Shell Scripting @

The route command is a powerful tool in the realm of shell scripting, offering control over network routing and connectivity. Whether you need to add, delete, or manipulate routes, the route command provides essential functionality. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how to use the route command effectively within shell scripts. We’ll provide step-by-step instructions, real-world examples, and best practices to help you master network routing with route. The route command is an essential tool for managing network routes and optimizing connectivity within shell scripts. Its capabilities extend to adding, deleting, and displaying routes, making it a valuable asset for network administrators and script developers alike.

Why use the Route command?

Before delving into the how, let’s understand why the route command is indispensable:

  1. Network Optimization: The route command allows you to define and manage routing tables, optimizing network connectivity and performance.
  2. Route Manipulation: You can add, delete, or modify routes, ensuring efficient data transmission across networks.
  3. Script Automation: By integrating the route command into shell scripts, you can automate network configuration tasks, streamlining network management.

Step 1: Basic usage

The basic syntax of the route command is straightforward:

route [options] command [destination] [gateway]

Here, [options] represent various command options, [command] specifies the operation (e.g., add, delete, show), [destination] is the target network, and [gateway] is the gateway to reach the destination.

Step 2: Adding routes

Let’s illustrate route management with a practical example. Suppose you want to add a route to the network via the gateway

route add -net gw

This command instructs the system to route traffic destined for through the gateway

Step 3: Deleting routes

To remove a route, use the delete command followed by the target network and gateway:

route delete -net gw

Step 4: Displaying routes

To view the routing table, simply use the show command:

route -n

This command displays a list of configured routes, their destinations, and gateways.

Step 5: Script integration

Integrating the route command into shell scripts is straightforward. For example, you can create a script named to add a route for a specific network:

route add -net gw
Author: user