Performing complex number manipulations using Python

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Python, known for its comprehensive standard library, doesn’t fall behind in offering native support for complex number manipulations. The complex() function is a built-in testament to this support. In Python, the complex() function is utilized to define complex numbers. It returns a complex number constructed from arguments provided or converts a string to a complex number.


Understanding complex() becomes more intuitive with hands-on illustrations:

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# Creating a complex number using two arguments (real and imaginary parts)
num1 = complex(3, 4) 
print(num1)  # Output: (3+4j)

# Creating a complex number using a string
num2 = complex("2+5j")
print(num2)  # Output: (2+5j)

# Arithmetic operations with complex numbers
result = num1 + num2
print(result)  # Output: (5+9j)

In this example, complex numbers are defined using both direct values and a string. Subsequently, an arithmetic operation showcases Python’s seamless handling of complex arithmetic.

complex() Notes:

  1. Native Complex Support: With complex(), Python offers built-in, immediate support for complex number operations, negating the need for external libraries or verbose implementations.
  2. Unified Numeric Type System: Python’s numeric type system is comprehensive, with complex() ensuring that complex numbers are natively integrated.
  3. Academic & Professional Relevance: For domains such as electrical engineering, quantum physics, and control systems, complex numbers are pivotal. Python’s straightforward complex number handling makes it a preferred language for professionals in these fields.


  1. Ease of Use: Constructing and operating with complex numbers becomes straightforward with complex().
  2. Versatility: complex() can generate complex numbers from a variety of inputs, be it separate real and imaginary parts or a well-formed string.
  3. Interoperability: Python’s complex numbers can be effortlessly used in arithmetic operations with other numeric types.

Use Cases:
Signal Processing: Complex numbers are integral in digital signal processing, especially in the manipulation of Fourier transforms.

Quantum Computing: Representing quantum states often requires complex numbers.

Electrical Engineering: In AC circuit analysis and electromagnetic field theory, complex numbers and phasors are extensively utilized.

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Author: user