How to extract single character located at a specified offset in the string using JavaScript : charAt()

Java Script @

The charAt() method in JavaScript returns a new string consisting of the single character located at a specified offset in the string on which it was called. It’s important to note that JavaScript strings are zero-indexed, meaning the first character in the string is at index 0, the next at index 1, and so on. The charAt() method is a fundamental yet powerful tool in JavaScript for pinpointing the character at a specific position within a string.

Syntax: The syntax for charAt() is straightforward:


index: An integer between 0 and str.length – 1. If the index you provide is out of this range, JavaScript returns an empty string.

Examples and Execution: The examples provided below can be executed in any JavaScript environment, such as browser DevTools, an online JavaScript editor, or a local development environment using Node.js.

Basic usage:

let myString = "hello";
let character = myString.charAt(1);
console.log(character); // Outputs: "e"
Out-of-range index:
let name = "JavaScript";
let character = name.charAt(100);
console.log(character); // Outputs: "" (an empty string, because the index is out of range)

Iterating over a string:

function logCharacters(text) {
    for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
        console.log(`Character at index ${i} is: ${text.charAt(i)}`);
let sampleText = "coding";
// Outputs: 
// Character at index 0 is: c
// Character at index 1 is: o
// Character at index 2 is: d
// Character at index 3 is: i
// Character at index 4 is: n
// Character at index 5 is: g
Finding uppercase characters:
function findUppercase(str) {
    for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
        let character = str.charAt(i);
        if (character === character.toUpperCase()) {
            console.log(`Uppercase letter found at index ${i}: ${character}`);
let testString = "JaVaScript";
// Outputs:
// Uppercase letter found at index 0: J
// Uppercase letter found at index 2: V
// Uppercase letter found at index 4: S
Author: user