Apache Airflow provides a robust command-line interface (CLI) to interact with DAGs, enhancing the user’s experience, automation capabilities, and troubleshooting methods. Here, we’ll outline the essential DAG-related commands, describe their functions, and offer sample commands using the DAG named freshers_daily_viewership.
1. list_dags
Description: Lists all the available DAGs in the Airflow environment.
airflow list_dags
2. list_tasks
Description: Lists all the tasks within a specified DAG.
airflow list_tasks freshers_daily_viewership
3. list_tasks with –tree
Description: Shows all tasks in a tree format to understand the sequence and dependencies within a DAG.
airflow list_tasks freshers_daily_viewership --tree
4. test
Description: Executes a specific task within a DAG in test mode. It doesn’t record the state of the task. Useful for debugging.
airflow test freshers_daily_viewership save_to_snowflake_task 2023-08-24
5. backfill
Description: Executes tasks for a range of execution dates as if they had been run in the past.
airflow backfill freshers_daily_viewership -s 2023-08-01 -e 2023-08-23
6. trigger_dag
Description: Manually triggers a DAG run.
airflow trigger_dag freshers_daily_viewership
7. pause
Description: Pauses a DAG, preventing it from being executed even if scheduled to run.
airflow pause freshers_daily_viewership
8. unpause
Description: Resumes a paused DAG, allowing its tasks to be scheduled and executed.
airflow unpause freshers_daily_viewership
9. next_execution
Description: Finds the next execution date (in local time) for a given DAG.
airflow next_execution freshers_daily_viewership
10. dag_state
Description: Shows the status of a specific DAG run.
airflow dag_state freshers_daily_viewership 2023-08-23
Read more on Airflow here : Airflow