What is the function of MySQL SUBSTRING_INDEX() in Snowflake : [ Example included ]



In snowflake how to split a given string at a specified character and returns the requested part. In Snowflake, the function that is equivalent to MySQL’s SUBSTRING_INDEX() is SPLIT_PART(). The SPLIT_PART() function in Snowflake is used to extract a specific part of a string based on a delimiter. It takes three arguments:

  1. The original string
  2. The delimiter
  3. The position of the part to be extracted

The syntax of the SPLIT_PART() function is as follows:

SPLIT_PART(string, delimiter, field)

For example, if you have a string ‘a,b,c,d’ and you want to extract the substring before the second comma, you would use the following query:

SELECT SPLIT_PART('a,b,c,d', ',', 1)

The function would return ‘a’ because it’s the first part of the string before the first comma.

Another example, if you have a stringhttps://www.freshers.in/tags/snowflake/and you want to extract the domain from the URL, you would use the following query:

SELECT SPLIT_PART('https://www.freshers.in/tags/snowflake/', '/', 3)

The function would return ‘www.freshers.in’ because it’s the 3rd part of the string after the first two slashes

It’s important to note that the delimiter is case-sensitive and the function only works with the specified position of the delimiter.

In summary, the SPLIT_PART() function in Snowflake allows you to extract a specific part of a string based on a delimiter, which can be useful for parsing strings with a specific structure, and it’s the exact duplicate function of MySQL’s SUBSTRING_INDEX()

Snowflake important urls to refer.

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