Tag: Shell

Shell Scripting @ Freshers.in

Shell script that removes all files with a specific extension in a directory

In the realm of shell scripting, automating file management tasks is essential for streamlining workflows and optimizing productivity. In this…

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Shell Scripting @ Freshers.in

Shell Scripting: Finding the Largest File in a Directory

Shell scripting is a powerful tool for automating tasks and performing operations on files and directories. In this article, we’ll…

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Shell Scripting @ Freshers.in

Patching with Precision in Shell Scripts.

The patch command is a powerful utility used to apply changes, or patches, to files. It plays a crucial role…

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Shell Scripting @ Freshers.in

Mastering xargs: Command Line Utility with Options in Shell

In the world of shell scripting, the xargs command is a versatile and powerful tool for executing commands with arguments…

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Shell Scripting @ Freshers.in

Power of nohup with Options in shell scripts

In the world of shell scripting, it’s common to run commands that take a while to complete or need to…

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Shell Scripting @ Freshers.in

File Comparison in Shell Scripting: The diff Command

In the world of Shell Scripting, the diff command is a powerful tool for comparing files and directories. It allows…

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Shell Scripting @ Freshers.in

Shell Scripting: Finding the Oldest File in a Directory

Introduction to Shell Scripting for File Management Shell scripting is a powerful tool for automating tasks in Unix-like operating systems….

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Shell Scripting @ Freshers.in

Shell Scripting: Displaying Last 10 Lines of a File

Introduction to Shell Scripting for File Manipulation Shell scripting is a versatile tool for automating tasks in Unix-like operating systems….

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Shell Scripting @ Freshers.in

File Permissions with Shell Scripting

Introduction to File Permissions and Shell Scripting Managing file permissions is a fundamental aspect of Unix-based operating systems, allowing users…

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Shell Scripting @ Freshers.in

Decrypt encrypted files using a Shell script

Introduction to Shell Script for File Decryption Decrypting files using a Shell script is a valuable skill for system administrators…

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