General Knowledge – Basic – 076

11386 : If the face value of the money is greater than the intrinsic value of the money; it is termed as?
Ans : Fiat Money

11387 : Sydney is on the bank of which River?
Ans : Darling

11388 : Name the inventeer of Telescope in 1609?
Ans : Galileo Galilei; an Italian scientist

11389 : Euro coins and banknotes entered circulation on ?
Ans : 1st Jan 2002

11390 : Ramavanna Kulasekhara shifted his capital from Mahodayapuram to?
Ans : Quilon

11391 : Who is the author of “Far from the Madding Crowd”?
Ans : Thomas Hardy

11392 : Who is known as Man of Destiny?
Ans : Napolean

11393 : Which place is known as ‘Southern Gaya’?
Ans : Thirunelveli in Wynad

11394 : Who is the inventor of Lightning Conductor?
Ans : Benjamin Franklin

11395 : Who is the author of ” Mattuvin Chattangale “?
Ans : O.N.V Kurup

11396 : Who is the author of “Inside Europe”?
Ans : John-Gunther

11397 : Which film won the Presidents silver medal for the first time?
Ans : Neelakuyil

11398 : Who is the author of Invisible Man?
Ans : H.G Wells

11399 : Who is the author of “Through the Looking Glass”?
Ans : Lewis Carroll

11400 : Life span of platelets is ?
Ans : 7 days

Author: Freshers