General Knowledge – Basic – 048

7246 : Lai Bahadur stadium is in?
Ans : Kollam

7247 : Organism is unable to prepare its own food is called?
Ans : Heterotrophic

7248 : What is the name of the aircraft from which the ‘Fatman’ was dropped in Nagasaki?
Ans : ‘Box car’

7249 : Peddling Prosperity was written by ?
Ans : Paul Krugman

7250 : Land of Five Rivers?
Ans : Punjab

7251 : Who is the author of “Simhabhoomi”?
Ans : S K Pottekadu

7252 : Wildlife Institute of India is located at?
Ans : Chandrasvani (Uttar Pradesh)

7253 : Who is the inventor of Nuclear Fission?
Ans : Otto Hahn

7254 : Name the first bank in the world?
Ans : Royal Bank of Scotland in 1728

7255 : President who abolished slavery in America was ?
Ans : Abraham Lincoln

7256 : Alice
Ans : Lewis Carroll

7257 : With which revolution was the famous slogan “No taxation without representation” associated with?
Ans : American Revolution

7258 : Who is the author of A Tale of Two Cities?
Ans : Charles Dickens

7259 : Who is the author of ” Agnikinavukal”?
Ans : Punathil KunjabdulJah

7260 : Who is the author of Yayati ?
Ans : V.S. Khandekar

Author: Freshers