Biology basic Q and A (04)

451 : Father of Taxonomy?
Ans : Carolus Linnaeus

452 : Largest physical and chemical molecules for cell are?
Ans : Proteins

453 : Bacteriology is the study of?
Ans : Bacteria.

454 : Who is known as Father of Video games?
Ans : Ralph Baer.

455 : Mamography test is used to diagnose?
Ans : Breast Cancer

456 : Deficiency of insulin leading to excess sugar in the blood and this sugar is excreted in the urine. This disease is known as ?
Ans : Diabetes mellitus (hyperglycemia)

457 : Who is the inventor of Genetic Code (deciphering)?
Ans : Hargobind Khorana

458 : The first real mechanical calculating machine is ?
Ans : Pascaline.

459 : Who is the inventor of Chain Drive?
Ans : Leonardoda Vinci

460 : Who is the inventor of X-ray tube?
Ans : Coolidge

461 : The number of chambers in amphibians heart is ?
Ans : Three.

462 : Plants contain one of the polysaccharide in the cell wall in form of ?
Ans : Cellulose

463 : Which is the brain of the computer?
Ans : CPU

464 : Typhoid causing bacteria is ?
Ans : Salmonell typhi

465 : Who is the inventor of Lift (power elevator)?
Ans : Otis

Author: Freshers