Connecting to Snowflake from PySpark – Example included


snowflake_pyspark @

Connecting to Snowflake from PySpark involves several steps:

  1. Install the Snowflake connector for Python by running “pip install snowflake-connector-python” in the terminal or command prompt.
  2. Start a PySpark session by running “pyspark” in the terminal or command prompt.
  3. In the PySpark session, import the Snowflake connector by running “from snowflake.sqlalchemy import URL”
  4. Create a connection string using the Snowflake SQLAlchemy URL class. The connection string should include the following information:
    • account: the name of your Snowflake account
    • user: the username for your Snowflake account
    • password: the password for your Snowflake account
    • warehouse: the name of the warehouse you want to connect to
    • database: the name of the database you want to connect to
    • schema: the name of the schema you want to connect to
  5. For example, the following code snippet creates a connection string for a Snowflake account named “myaccount”, a warehouse named “mywarehouse”, a database named “mydatabase”, and a schema named “myschema”, with a user named “user” and a password “password”.
    from snowflake.sqlalchemy import URL
    connection_string = URL(
  1. Create a Spark dataframe by reading the data from the Snowflake table.
    dataframe ="snowflake").options(**{
        "sfUrl": connection_string,
        "sfUser": "user",
        "sfPassword": "password",
        "sfDatabase": "mydatabase",
        "sfSchema": "myschema",
        "sfWarehouse": "mywarehouse",
        "table": "mytable"
  1. Now you can use the dataframe for any data processing or analysis.

Please note that, this is a basic example and you might need to tweak the code based on your specific use case. As a basic step you got the dataframe created . Now based on your use case you can work accordingly.

Use case: There may be some cases , you may not be able to do all with the help of SQL, or some times pySpark you all ready have all the functionalities available . Those situation you can use this.

Spark import urls to refer.

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Snowflake import urls to refer.

Author: user

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