DBT : Concatenating two or more arrays into a single array in DBT macro.


DBT macros are reusable code snippets that can be used to create custom functions for SQL transformations. In this article, we will explore the dbt.array_concat macro and how to use it in SQL.

  • Reusable Code Snippets: DBT macros are like pre-defined code templates or snippets that encapsulate specific logic or functionality. These snippets can be used repeatedly across your DBT project.
  • Custom Functions: You can use DBT macros to create custom functions tailored to your data transformation needs. These functions can be integrated into your SQL transformations to perform specialized tasks or calculations.

Understanding dbt.array_concat

The dbt.array_concat macro is a DBT macro that is used to concatenate two or more arrays into a single array. This macro takes two or more arrays as arguments and returns a new array that contains the elements of all input arrays. The resulting array is created by concatenating the input arrays in the order in which they are passed to the macro.

The dbt.array_concat macro is useful when you need to combine two or more arrays of data into a single array for further processing. This macro is particularly useful when working with data sets that have complex data structures or when you need to join or union multiple data sources.

Using dbt.array_concat in SQL

To use the dbt.array_concat macro in SQL, you first need to define it in your DBT project. You can define the macro in the macros folder of your DBT project using a .sql file.

Here’s an example of how to define the dbt.array_concat macro:

{% macro array_concat(arrays) %}

    select array_cat(
        {% for array in arrays %}
            {{ array }},
        {% endfor %}
        array[]::{{ arrays[1] }}[])
{% endmacro %}

In this example, the dbt.array_concat macro takes an array of arrays as input. The macro uses a for loop to iterate over the input arrays and concatenates them using the array_cat() function. The resulting concatenated array is then returned by the macro.

To use the dbt.array_concat macro in your SQL queries, you can simply call the macro and pass in the input arrays as arguments. Here’s an example of how to use the macro to concatenate two arrays:

select {{ dbt.array_concat([array[1], array[2]]) }} as concatenated_array
from my_table

In this example, the dbt.array_concat macro is called with two arrays as arguments. The resulting concatenated array is returned as the concatenated_array column.

You can also use the dbt.array_concat macro with more than two arrays. Simply pass in the additional arrays as arguments separated by commas. Here’s an example of how to use the macro to concatenate three arrays:

select {{ dbt.array_concat([array[1], array[2], array[3]]) }} as concatenated_array
from my_table

In this example, the dbt.array_concat macro is called with three arrays as arguments. The resulting concatenated array is returned as the concatenated_array column.

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